Digital Trail Map


Trail Planning & Construction Photos

SIM Back 40

Client: SIM USA

Location: Charlotte, NC

SIM USA is a global missionary organization dedicated to improving the world through prayer and care. Their people travel the world to improve the lives of those less fortunate by providing healthcare, clean water, shelter, and hope. They contacted us to transform 40 acres at the US headquarters in Charlotte, NC into a natural haven for their guests who return home to reflect and connect with nature. We started by developing a Trail Master Plan that would guide the future construction and development of the property for several years. Next, we developed a construction budget with their land stewardship committee and set out for the first phase of construction. We’re happy to say that visitors to SIM USA now have 2 miles of trail to enjoy by hiking or biking with more planned for the future!

In addition, we built a digital map for their visitors to navigate the property with real time location tracking on their smart phone using ESRI / ArcGIS technology!