Durham Central Park

Client: Durham Central Park 501(c)3

Location: Durham, NC

Durham Central Park non-profit reached out to us with two issues in regards to an area of their beautiful park. First, users frequently like to explore a creek that runs through the park, but this area was overgrown with invasive species, unsafe due to being the site of an old landfill, and was in an urban stormwater flood area. Second, they wanted to expand their public sculpture collection, but were limited in useable space.

Nature Trails solved both issues by designing a trail system that switchbacked down to the creek sustainably and was hardened with larger aggregate to mitigate migration during flood events. We imported over 60 tons of native granite boulders to line the creek bank and built a boulder retaining wall to level a site for a new troll sculpture by artist, Michael Waller. Now park users have a beautiful, safe access trail to the creek that can endure flood waters during storm events.